Monday, December 17, 2007


Wabi-sabi philosophy embraces natural and handcrafted objects as
unique works of art and prizes the dented and scratched, the bumpy and
irregular, the weathered and worn.
Quickly thumbing through I
discovered an article by Richard Martin on wabi-sabi and photography.
The article was sparce–pared down to the bones–but what it said and
the photos that accompanied it intrigued me. The images were
beautiful, ...
Pared down to its barest essence, wabi sabi is the
Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in
nature, of accepting the natural cycle of growth, death and decay. It
reminds us that we are all but transient beings on ...
philosophy embraces natural and handcrafted objects as unique works of
art and prizes the dented and scratched, the bumpy and irregular, the
weathered and worn.
We finally have some enclosed walls. Having
enclosed walls really changes the dynamics of the space. It raises
some doubt of "maybe this area is too small". And other areas seem
much nicer. Its exciting to see work begin on the interior ...
learned about wabi sabi (pr. WAH-bee-SAH-bee) from one of my
photography teachers, Tom Lamb. He suggested we buy the book,
'Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers' by
Leonard Koren. I got an inexpensive copy on ...
At that
time Bryan told me about wabi-sabi for the first time. It was amazing.
Wabi-sabi could be interpreted in a lot of our everyday life and
culture. I bought a very beat up Gaussman, which I really love
(pictured above). ...
Wabi-sabi (in Kanji: ैभ) represents
a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic that is sometimes
described as one of Beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent and
incomplete". (more…)
One of the blessings of moving from traditional
film photography to the digital medium is that there is no longer any
cost (in time or money) associated with taking photographs. Whereas
previously one would have been circumspect with ...
At that
time Bryan told me about wabi-sabi for the first time. It was amazing.
Wabi-sabi could be interpreted in a lot of our everyday life and
culture. I bought a very beat up Gaussman, which I really love
(pictured above). ...
At that time Bryan told me about wabi-sabi for
the first time. It was amazing. Wabi-sabi could be interpreted in a
lot of our everyday life and culture. I bought a very beat up
Gaussman, which I really love (pictured above). ...
The Japanese have
taught me Wabi-sabi, to be happy with imperfection, to appreciate
beauty in a sore flawed form and to love my worn out shoes and faded
dolls.Unconditional acceptance is a huge risk not like the bullion
market risks but ...
'if an object or expression can bring about,
within us, a sense of serene melancholy and a spiritual longing, then
that object could be said to be wabi-sabi.' 'It (wabi-sabi) nurtures
all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple ...
greatest contribution to the world of denim is his adherence to the
Japanese aesthetic system called Wabi-Sabi. At its core, Wabi-Sabi
finds that beauty is found in all things imperfect, impermanent, and
incomplete, ...
The first Michelin Guide for Tokyo was recently
released and has awarded more stars to Tokyo than Paris and New York
combined. According to this article in the Guardian, its too few
stars. With 300000 restaurants in Tokyo and only 3 ...